Thursday, February 10, 2011

What are the Pickerings doing?

Our vehicle back to NZ (thanks to Verity's family)
Since returning from Christmas with Verity’s side of the family in Canada on January 21st, Reuben has had an opportunity to preach at Auckland Bible Church where he grew up. It was a special time for him as he was able to share what he loves with many familiar faces. We thank the Lord for this blessed time.

"Welcome Home Picks!"

Then it was back to Havelock North where we were greeted by dear friends at the Napier airport. It was great to be welcomed home with a big sign in the window (see picture). Verity got back into her jobs right away (church office, linen shop, piano students), while Reuben went job hunting Monday morning. He put his name down at a few places and then bought a couple of groceries at New World, Hastings. On his way out, he just wondered if they had any full-time jobs minute he had a full-time job at the checkout and started within the week! Wow, God is good. We’re so thankful that he didn’t have to search for long, and that they arranged his shifts around his upcoming class schedule.

So, we are both working full-time and will be taking three evening classes at The Shepherd’s Bible College finishing in July, 2011. Reuben is taking Beginning Greek, Cults & False Religions, Introduction to Missions. Verity it taking English Grammar & Sentence Diagramming, Hermeneutics, and Introduction to Missions.

Last Sunday we began teaching a Sunday School class (5-7 year olds) at church. We’re teaching through a curriculum, ‘Jesus, What a Saviour’ with two other teachers – so we only teach every third week. We really enjoyed the first one and are excited to get to know all 30 kids, starting with remembering their names!

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