Dear family and friends,
We write to you at this time, asking you to pray with us as we seek to determine our next step in life, trusting that whatever the outcome will be God’s best for us, and He will be glorified.
Reuben’s year of full-time study at TSBC (Hastings, NZ) has been a huge encouragement to us in many ways. We are very blessed by the fellowship of believers at Riverbend Bible Church, and equally blessed by the material that Reuben has been studying. We knew that this course would give Reuben a taste of more intensive Biblical studies, and he has thoroughly enjoyed it. We have sensed God leading us in the direction of pastoral ministry – studying and preaching God’s Word, and using it alone as the tool for ministering to people’s lives. This year has definitely confirmed our desire for pastoral ministry, gifting in it, and commitment to it. While we have been equipped from this course, we believe that we would be more effective by taking a further step in our training for a lifetime of ministry.
We have just met with the elders of our home church (RBC), to see if they would endorse us in going to The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles to study full-time. We have considered training there for quite some time and recently, with the encouragement and affirmation of many folk, we applied for the Bachelor of Theology programme (three years), and were accepted. Even so, we wanted to fully submit our decision to our elders, trusting in their wisdom and God-given authority. The elders at RBC have given their full support in committing to pray, encourage, and give pastoral oversight while we are over in LA, away from home. We see this as both an imperative and a blessing as we look ahead and try to picture our time at TMS.

Love and God bless,
Reuben and Verity
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