Friday, December 24, 2010

Kathleen, Verity and Hillary with our dear Granny (our Dad's Mum).  We found the "Happy New Year" crowns when we were decorating her house last week.

Dinner at Kitty & Logan's house.  L to R Dad (Gerry/ "Tiger"), Hilly, Verity, Reuben, and Logan.

The Christmas Tree at Dad's house

Verity and Mum (Diane)

Mum, Kitty & Ver watching from the luxurious white leather couch at the bridal shop, where Hilly tried on some beautiful dresses for her up-coming wedding: May 7 2011 :)

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...

Greetings from Canada!  We have been here for about ten days now, and it has been a joy to be reunited with family and friends.  We've had lots of snow, which makes the winter days sparkle.  Reuben has enjoyed shovelling the driveway - and we're thankful the novelty hasn't wore off yet!!

Today is Christmas Eve for us, and we're shortly going to a Candlelight Service at the local Baptist church, followed by dinner with family.  Tomorrow we will enjoy our annual Christmas Day hike through a beautiful forest which holds the BX Falls.  Since my sisters and I were young we would do this hike as a family after opening presents.  It helps to get the appetites going for the big turkey dinner we will later enjoy!  Christmas dinner will be with my Dad's side of the family, and Boxing Day dinner with my Mum's side. 

Love to you all as we remember the miracle of this season: the holy, infinite God of the universe became a man like one of us, to save us from our sins.  May you take some time to focus on Him and thank Him for all He has done for us. 

Reuben & Verity in Vernon, BC CANADA!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

TSBC Graduation - more to come :)

With our friend Bea on the celebratory day of graduation!

YAY! With the Lord's help we completed the year of full-time study for Reuben!  And now, we are looking ahead to the future with great anticipation for the further life-training He has in store for us, and the ministry opportunities that are evident each day we live.

With our dear friends, James & Karen Major and family... almost had everyone looking - sorry Laura!! :)  Their whole family has been a great blessing to us this year, supporting us with their love, and providing some part-time work for us.